

Sabotage in Vallecas

The Rayo Vallecano-Real Madrid match that had to be played yesterday, went down in history for electricity sabotage that left a side of the Vallecas stadium dark what forced the referee to stop the match, to be played today (7:45 pm CET).

Vallecas Stadium with spotlights out of order
Vallecas Stadium with spotlights out of order

The problem was detected around 8:30 pm. The spotlights of the one side of the stadium did not come on and the club began to work quickly with the operators thinking it was an electrical fault by the severe storm of rain falling on Madrid. However, it was soon discovered that 25 electric panels, which controlled the 50 spotlights on the side had suffered damage.

Rayo Vallecano president, Raul Martin Presa, then talked to the media at a press conference: "It was a sabotage, some vandals have cut the wires and they could only do it climbing because the spotlights are on the cover. It's a very difficult access. It was an attack on our stadium". The club revealed through his twitter account a photo of one of the electric panel damaged and suspects that the action was well planned because the authors knew what they were doing because there was danger of electrocution. There also were power supplies in other areas of the stadium that were damaged.

The start of the match was gradually delayed and even several authoritative voices of Rayo Vallecano were optimistic but at 10:15 pm, 45 minutes after the scheduled start, the technicians had not yet managed to repair the damage and the referee determined that there was not enough light to play. Although players from both teams wanted to play, was imposed the referee's criteria.

The presence in the stadium of the government delegate, accelerated the arrival of the judicial police and various technicians. The delegate (responsible of the police actions in Madrid) declined to speak to reporters but last night police began a thorough investigation and began taking fingerprints to try to learn the identity of the perpetrators.

Real Madrid has explained this morning its position on the suspension of the game against Rayo Vallecano, through an official statement: "After the deplorable events that took place yesterday, Sunday, and led to the suspension of the Rayo Vallecano-Real Madrid match, Real Madrid C.F. asked the Professional Football League (LFP) to schedule the game today, Monday, during the day in order to avoid any potential problems that might again put it at risk. The president of the LFP has decided, however, that the match will be played at 7:45 pm and has accepted personal responsibility for it to take place without incident. Real Madrid C.F. bases their request on their concern for the lack of dates for the rescheduling of the match should it not be possible for the match to go ahead today".

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